From House To House

One: Unfolding God’s Eternal Purpose from House to House by Henry Hon

Just as Jesus and the Father are perfectly ONE, Jesus desires His people to be included in this complete oneness. He made the ultimate sacrifice in order to achieve His consummate goal: He died on the cross for all people, and, in triumphant resurrection and ascension, He gave three gifts so that “. . . they [we] may be ONE.” The three profound gifts are: eternal life, truth, and His glory. No, He did not leave His people with a religion, because religion results in division—but, instead, He lovingly bequeathed His followers with free gifts. When these gifts are received and enjoyed, dissimilar people miraculously become ONE. These three gifts bring joy, love, peace, kindness, fulfillment, and purpose for all people. God’s eternal purpose is for humankind to enjoy such a wonderful and mysterious ONEness together, in Him, as the uniting bond of peace. This book expounds on becoming and functioning as ONE through these three gifts. It was written so that both Christians and non-Christians alike can easily understand it. It will take you on a journey through the Bible, into God’s eternal purpose, and into your own home (from house to house). Jesus prayed that when His people are ONE, then “. . . the world may believe. . .” in Jesus Christ. Today’s dream: Reset to ONE; Revival Next!

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The truth about Spiritual Warfare

This book proves that “Spiritual warfare” is a false doctrine. The necessary Scriptures that support this statement are discussed in detail. People are actually oppressed just because they believe in this doctrine. This book will challenge your beliefs on this subject and it will set you free.

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See also

Understanding the prophetic times we live in (A report of imminent events)

During the morning hours of Tuesday, June 2, 2015, the Lord Jesus Christ instructed me to write this report. He called it a “report” because He wanted me to write it as a “report of imminent events” to those who wish to understand the prophetic times we live in. The aim of this report is to bring clarity and to counter confusion in the lives of many Christians regarding the end-times, especially regarding the prophetic time we live in at this moment. The Lord’s aim with this report is clear: Clarity will equip and enable God’s children to follow His vision for and in this time period we are living in now. It will enable them to report for duty. It will enable them to become mighty instruments in God’s hand. End-time ministry does not only mean that God is at work. It also means that we have some part to play in order to enable God to carry out His plans. This report will enable God’s children to stand up and be counted”.

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